Video: ArdaSol monitors this photovoltaic plant

Video: ArdaSol monitors this photovoltaic plant

Opérational whole solar system mastered with displays, even wireless informations… Seducing !

Atmel | Bits & Pieces

Heinz Pieren’s ArdaSol was recently featured on the official Arduino blog. This innovative platform is designed to monitor energy production and consumption of a domestic photovoltaic plant.

ArdaSol can be broken down into three primary components. The first – known as ArdaSol Display – is built around an Atmel-basedArduino Mega board (ATmega2560 MCU) and tasked with collecting data, as well as relaying information to a remote server.

Next up is the Energy Monitor, which is powered by an an Atmel-basedArduino Uno (ATmega328 MCU). This component measures consumption, displays energy values and relays data to the ArdaSol display.

Last, but certainly not least, the Remote PVI Interface is based on a (second) Arduino Uno. The PVI is equipped with an RS485 interface connected to the ArdaSol remote, effectively acting as a gateway to the ArdaSol Display.

“It converts the requests, with a radio signal to…

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GOOGLE – MANDELA. Google rend un vibrant hommage à Nelson Mandela pour ses 96 ans

GOOGLE – MANDELA. Google rend un vibrant hommage à Nelson Mandela pour ses 96 ans

Anniversaire naissance – MANDELA. Google rend un vibrant hommage à Nelson Mandela : via @KamerunScoop

Allain Jules

MandelaNelson Rolihlahla Mandela plus connu sous le nom de Nelson Mandela dans le monde et Madiba en Afrique du sud est mort le 5 décembre dernier. Et anonymes ou puissants l’ont pleuré, l’a noté Le Point ce matin. Nelson Mandela est une des grandes icônes du XXe siècle, à l’instar de Gandhi ou de Martin Luther King. Un homme courageux, un homme bon, un leader, qui est néanmoins accusé par certains de trahison. Google lui rend un vibrant hommage ce matin, date de sa naissance…

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