– Putting an end to “clients” – Rosen Hircher

I do not accord with many conclusion of this writing.
But I do think it is an interresting testimony.

Rosen Hicher is a French survivor of prostitution. Here is a translation of an Op-Ed she published in the French daily LIBÉRATION http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2014/07/17/pour-en-finir-avec-les-clients_1065741, in July 2014, as a group of French senators are trying to derail a bill based on the Nordic Model that would penalize “sex purchasers” (paying rapists).
At a time when the Senate protects customers, I, a former prostitute, shall tell you why I want France to make every effort to do away with these men who have ruined my life for over twenty years. I found the strength to do the calculation. Listen carefully. I had more than 30 000 clients in my career as a prostitute, at an average rate of four per day.
More than 30,000 sex acts that I did not want, that I refused with my whole body. 30,000 times the feeling of being denied, reduced to nothingness, to being a female…

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